What I Eat In A Day to Lose 300 lbs!

Sep 27, 2017

The request I get the most is for what I eat in a day videos. I often eat the same thing for days at a time, so I don't want to bore you by doing them every day. Here is a good example of a typical day.

My name is Heather and I'm from Portland, Oregon. I am eating a plant-based, whole foods, unprocessed diet, with no SOFAs (sugar, oil, flour, or alcohol) to take off weight and regain my life. I once weighed over 436 lbs and have removed over 292 lbs eating this way and walking for exercise. I call my channel The Butterfly Effect because I believe that all the small choices you make, over time, add up and have a huge effect on your life. I wanted to show people like me who have 100, 150, 200 or more pounds to take off that it can be done and we can do it together. I am far from perfect and have struggled with compulsive eating and been overweight for all of my life, but there is hope for me and there is hope for you too. What can you do, today, to bring you closer to your goals tomorrow? Please consider giving my videos a thumbs up, commenting and subscribing. I would be incredibly grateful for your support on this journey!

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