Water for pig angel victims in Toronto's heat wave

Jul 20, 2013

Toronto Pig Save gives H2O, love, & melons to suffering pigs in transport trucks during July's heat wave

The weather forecast during the week of July 15-19, 2013 had temperatures which feel like in the mid-40s degrees Celsius range. Toronto Pig Save activists gave water & melons to overheated and thirsty pigs suffering in transport trucks.

Activists were on "Pig Island" (a traffic island) at Lake Shore and Strachan where the transport trucks stop at a long set of lights, before turning left onto Strachan and head to "Quality Meat Packers" slaughterhouse on Wellington St. W.

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, was naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me." -Matthew Chapter 25

According to Ottawa Humane Society: "With only hot air to breathe, a dog's normal cooling process -- panting -- doesn't work. A dog can withstand internal body temperatures of 40°C for only a few minutes before brain damage or death can occur." A pig cannot pant like a dog, and thus suffers even more in hot weather. Toronto Pig Save activists have bore witness to pigs vocalizing extreme distress and dying of heatstroke and heart attacks.

Signs of heatstroke are
• Heavy panting (or sudden stopping of panting)
• Rapid heartbeat
• Lack of coordination
• Weakness or muscle tremors
• Convulsions or vomiting
• Glazed eyes
• Unconsciousness

The Ottawa Humane Society recommends that if an animal shows signs of heat stroke, you do the following:
• Immediately move the animal to a cool, shady, or air-conditioned place
• Wet the animal with cool (not cold) water
• Allow the animal to drink some cool water, or lick ice cubes
• Transport the animal to a veterinarian as soon as it's safe to do so

A HUGE THANK YOU to the Angel H2O Team who came out in the hottest weather to give water to the thirsty pigs, cows and chickens. We love you for all the love and compassion you showed for the thousands of angel pig, cow and chicken friends heading to Toronto's four unspeakably egregious

killing facilities each day.

Toronto Pig Save's mission is to make slaughterhouses have glass wall through collectively bearing witness and to encourage everyone to go vegan and be an animal activist every day due to the animal emergency suffered by hundreds of millions of animals in Canada and billions of victims worldwide each year.

If you'd like to start a Pig Save-like group in your community please get in touch with us and we will help you in any way we can. Also, check out our tips page for setting up a group: torontopigsave.org/?page_id=10...

Video by Anita Krajnc and Mary Fantaske
Photos: Agnes Cseke, Louise Jorgensen, & Anita Krajnc
Music: First Breath After Coma (Explosions in the Sky)

* The "Pig Save: Bearing Witness" project is made possible by funding from Culture & Animals Foundation, an organization dedicated to advancing animal advocacy through intellectual & artistic expression. Learn more at cultureandanimals.org

#Vegan #Animalrights #Bearingwitness

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