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ashley wicka @ashley-wicka

hi!! im ashley, a 21 year old living in Los Angeles sharing my life! here i make videos about healthy vegan food, sustainable fashion, cruelty free clean beauty, and 24 hour food challenges. feel free to press subscribe + join me:) contact: aleawic...

752k subscribers
Sarah Lemkus @sarah-lemkus

Heellooo! For four years I shared my life here on YouTube. We travelled, move countries, shared hundreds of recipes, and met some amazing people! Then in 2020, I burnt out, my health failed and I’ve been taking a long break from YouTube ever since. Y...

390.2k subscribers
Elephantastic Vegan @elephantastic-vegan

Elephantastic Vegan is all about delicious, simple, plant-based recipes!

103.1k subscribers
avantgardevegan @avantgardevegan

GROWING & COOKING OUTSIDE IN WALES INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/gazoakley TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/gazoakleychef FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/avantgardevegan WEBSITE: https://www.gazoakleychef.com thank you Gaz Oakley

10.8k subscribers