Dr. Michael Greger | Acne, Mold, B12, Canned Food etc.

May 25, 2018

1:00 Acne
5:32 Does only processed meat causes cancer?
7:20 Mold on food
14:30 What would you do if the world would be plant-based?
15:30 Vaccine & heavy metals in animal products
17:30 Flaxseeds are dangerous?
20:09 Are seeds in fruits and veggies healthy to eat?
19:57 Vitamin B12
25:06 Canned Foods
28:45 Pressure cooker
30:32 Fasting

Cacao Powder can cause Acne: youtube.com/watch?v=prvKNDsFMJ...

White bean cookie dough recipe: youtube.com/watch?v=EkI5KZQT4i...

If you don’t know Dr. Michael Greger check out his side nutritionfacts.org and his two books: How Not to Die & How Not to Die Cookbook. And his YouTube channel:youtube.com/user/NutritionFact...

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