Happy Healthy Vegan

Impactor Stats
8 Impact Videos
206k Total Followers
206k Subscribers
Ryan Lum and Anji Bee have produced content as Happy Healthy Vegan since 2013, promoting health, fitness, and the protection of animals and our environment.

This 50-something So Cal duo have created 1000+ videos covering a wide range of topics. Ryan wields logic and science to respectfully debunk anti-vegan rhetoric spread by mass media in popular response videos, while Anji vlogs What I Ate In A Day, travel vids, unboxings, and reviews to illustrate how easy and fun it is to live a vegan lifestyle. To that end, Anji released 'Keep It Carbed, Baby!: The Official Happy Healthy Vegan Cookbook’ in 2016 and sold over 3,000 copies independently in both print and digital download via their site.

Ryan and Anji also make music together as Lovespirals. Since 1999 the duo have released 5 albums, 9 EPs & singles, plus various compilation tracks. Their soulful grooves are featured regularly on the show and are available via Spotify, Apple, iTunes, Amazon, Pandora, Bandcamp, and YouTube.
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Toni Mitchell @toni-mitchell

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Melissa Wood Health @melissa-wood-health

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Clareminded @clareminded

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Adam Hansen @adam-hansen

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Nimai Delgado @nimai-delgado

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