Worn out dairy cows in Denmark

Feb 12, 2019

(Non graphic. Sound on🔊)

I did this footage a couple of days ago, Tuesday, Feb. 5th at Aarhus slaughterhouse in Denmark.
It shows the unloading from the trucks of spent and worn out dairy cows send to slaughter. Killed because the quality of their production of breast milk is faling after 2-4 years of constant forced milking and pregnancies.
You can tell they are skin and bones, all their nutrients went straight to their forced overproduction of milk. They look like cows dying of old age (age 20-25), but they´re most likely only 3-6 years old.

Please notice the 'downer' left behind in the truck (aprox. 0:50), standard procedure is that she will be killed when all the other cows are dead, because they are considered 'cumbersome', the slaughterhouse staf told me that earlier last year.
To see how they do that, watch this: youtube.com/watch?v=dNyMwnl0G2...
A 'downer' is the dairy industry´s term of a collapsed dairy cow who can not stand on her own legs anymore.

The last clip is the sounds of their cries from the kill floor and the sound of the shot from the bolt gun stunning them before they get their throats slit open.

Got milk? - or got basic, moral standards?

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@casperhilt ✌️

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