What is Animal Activism? | INTERVIEW with Genesis Butler

Sep 27, 2020

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You can watch her TedX talk here: youtube.com/watch?v=E4ptaIDAIl...

While much of the country took up tie-dye and bread baking when the pandemic hit, 13-year-old Genesis Butler launched a global youth movement to discuss the impacts of animal agriculture on climate change. Now, Youth Climate Save boasts more than 70 chapters in places as far away as India and the U.K. Its members hold weekly Zoom meetings to plan fundraising and other actions youth can take online, as well as an upcoming vegan support group. A sense of urgency animates Butler, who cites research on how a shift to veganism can fight climate change. “That’s basically what I’ve been focusing on, just talking about how if we don’t start going vegan, we’re not going to have a planet,” she says with sobering, wide-eyed earnestness.

At age ten, Genesis became the youngest ever TedX speaker when she gave her inspiring talk on healing the planet through vegan eating. Now, she continues to advocate for animals through speaking engagements, social media, and has even started her own foundation called Genesis For Animals. Plus, she was this year’s winner of the Lisa Shapiro Young Animal Activist Award, presented to her by Compassion Over Killing’s Erica Meier!

At age ten, Genesis became the youngest ever TedX speaker when she gave her inspiring talk on healing the planet through vegan eating. Now, she continues to advocate for animals through speaking engagements, social media, and has even started her own foundation called Genesis For Animals. Plus, she was this year’s winner of the Lisa Shapiro Young Animal Activist Award, presented to her by Compassion Over Killing’s Erica Meier!

Genesis for Animals will be raising money for sanctuaries all around the world, and if they contact me like, “I have this horse and his hoof is broken,” I’ll give them money so that they’ll be able to take the horse to the vet visit that he needs. I have a website, genesisforanimals.org, and if you look on there you can donate because I’m putting in a lot of my money but there are a lot of sanctuaries that are going to contact me so I’m going to try to get as much money saved to donate. You can also help out with her organization by contacting her at genesisforanimals.org or my Instagram @gensisbutler_.

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