My long vegan journey | How I help the environment

Jul 27, 2020

Hi guys, here's a look into my vegan journey. When I read the words "conscious eating," I knew I had to see where my food comes from. Today I support anyone on their vegan journey, and together we can help animals and the environment!

1:36 It took me a long time to go vegan
2:50 My first insight at veganism
4:02 The words that started my journey
5:53 It's easier today to go vegan
6:13 Your meat eating cup
7:51 The three reasons people go vegan
8:22 Keep your home clean! EARTH
9:35 The most unselfish thing I have done
10:35 It's not my style to push you but there's value in "pushy" videos!
11:09 Animal lovers
12:35 My wish for animal and nature lovers
13:31 Vegan channels

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#mylongveganjourney #myactionsaffectothers #environmentalchangestartswithyou #vegantakestime #theenvironmentandhowweeat #goingvegantakestime #howweloveanimalsandeatthem #eatanimalswelove #loveanimalsbuteatthem #howcanihelptheenvironment #howcanihelpanimals #howtostartveganism #howbeingveganhelpstheplanet #changeonearthstartswithyou #empathyforanimalsstartswithyou #environmental #vegan #animals #changehabits #foodchoices

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