IRON_ You May Not be Low! A Fun video by Markus Rothkranz

Oct 02, 2016

IRON- Learn all about it !
Markus Rothkranz takes you on an entertaining Steampunk journey to learn all about iron, where to get it, the benefits and the dangers. You may not be low, in fact, you may have too much. Learn the facts. Low iron may be from internal bleeding caused by NSAIDs, parasites or leaky gut from eating refined foods, especially sugar, bread, wheat, pasta, baked goods etc. Yeast from these things mutates into fungus which eats holes in the digestive tract and colon, causing leaky gut, IBS, Crohns Chrons Crones disease.
IRON is in almost everything. It is very essential for the body to have the proper amount of it. Most of the time the problem is not that the body doesn’t have enough; it’s that the body is not absorbing it efficiently. You must have ample stomach acid to absorb iron properly. Symptoms of iron deficiency are you being tired a lot, muscle weakness, dry hair and other things. Having the proper amount helps strengthen the immune system, creates blood, heals wounds, and keeps hair young and much more.
Too much iron can be toxic to the body
Iron is very toxic in large amounts. In just three to four days, toxic levels of iron can cause death. In a severe overdose, iron quickly destroys the lining of the intestinal tract. It may lead to perforations of the intestine. Free iron ions in the bloodstream destroy the lining of the blood vessels, endothelium. This leads to irreversible shock. Too much iron can also cause severe liver damage.
Coffee and tea, due to tannins, taken with meals blocks iron absorption
The aims of the studies were as follows: To study the effect of small phenolic compounds with different hydroxylation patterns, gallic acid, catechin, chlorogenic acid, on iron absorption, To study the effect of different amounts of a hydrolysable tannin containing ten gallic acid residues, tannic acid, on iron absorption. To study the degree of inhibition of iron absorption by some foods and beverages, oregano, spinach, coffee and tea, in relation to their respective content of iron-binding phenolic groups, measured by a newly developed method. The inhibition of iron absorption by tannic acid was strongly dose-related.
One study has shown that tea consumption may reduce iron absorption by as much as 60% and coffee reduces its uptake by 50%. The tannins in both tea and coffee adversely affect iron availability, which could lead to iron deficiency anemia.

Calcium blocks iron absorption Caseins from milk and certain forms of calcium inhibit iron absorption. Calcium makes it harder for your body to absorb either supplemental iron or iron from food, according to the National Institutes of Health. Calcium competes for absorption with iron in your intestines and reduces its uptake.
Low stomach acid is one cause of low iron
Malabsorption of iron is common after some forms of gastrointestinal surgeries.

Synthetic ascorbic acid, commercial “vitamin C”, depletes iron, while herbal vitamin C helps absorption Synthetic ascorbic acid does not have the same biological properties and therefore benefits as true vitamin C found for example in fruits, berries, vegetables and many other natural sources. Here are just a few ways in which supplemental vitamin C can bring adverse health consequences. • Reacts with iron in "enriched" foods, causing neurological conditions.• Can cause thickening of the arteries. American Heart Association• Causes loss of energy and endurance. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

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