Going Vegan! I will never eat meat again!

Feb 25, 2017

Please watch: "Healthy Vegan Breakfast: You can still have Bacon, Eggs and Sausages!"

Going VEGAN after watching Food Choices Documentary has changed my life forever! Now I want to share my experience with you! What's a Vegan? What is a healthy vegetarian diet?

Why am I a Vegan? After watching Food Choices the next day I said I am GOING VEGAN.

How to be Vegan and the day switched to Vegan. November 2016 I watched a movie called "Food Changes" and this movie changed my life forever. This ground-breaking documentary explores the impact that food choices have on people's health, the health of our planet and on the lives of other living species. And also discusses several misconceptions about food and diet.

90 days after I changed to Vegan I have decided to Vlog my progress and share the benefits with my friends, family and anyone who would like to listen to my journey changing to Vegan. Inspired to improve my health, fitness and help others on the way.

The movie that changed many like me is called "Food Changes"
Food Choices Documentary, Plant-based documentary,plant-based diet, T.Colin Campbell, Joe Cross, Dr. John Mcdougall, China Study, Sea Shepherd, Captain Paul Watson.

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