Vegan Muscle and Fitness

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2 Impact Videos
4k Total Followers
4k Subscribers
Derek and Marcella are the husband and wife team of vegan competitive bodybuilders behind Vegan Muscle and Fitness at, where they have shared their training and nutrition tips, recipes and more since 2009. Owners of Richmond, Virginia's only plant-based personal training studio, Root Force Personal Training, the pair seeks to promote a fit and active plant-powered lifestyle and shatter the perception that strength and athleticism can't be achieved with a plant-based diet.
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Genevieve Mason @genevieve-mason

lifestyle, fitness, & development 🌷✨

72k subscribers
Julieanna Hever @julieanna-hever

Julieanna Hever, MS, RD, CPT, The Plant-Based Dietitian, has a BA in Theatre and an MS in Nutrition, bridging her biggest passions for food, presenting, and helping people. She has authored nine books, including the new Choose You Now Diet, The Healt...

511k subscribers
NinaAndRanda @ninaandranda

Welcome to our channel! We're Nina and Randa, and we're identical twins who are completely obsessed with music. We love to sing together and write songs, and make YouTube videos! :) Thanks for checking out our channel. xo

4.2k subscribers
Ines Anioli @ines-anioli

Offizieller Youtube Kanal von Ines Anioli – Goddess of CUMEDY & small tits club.

1M subscribers
Yes Theory @yes-theory

We believe that life's greatest moments and deepest connections exist outside your comfort zone. Brand Partnerships: Fan Emails: Seek Discomfort: If you want to send mai...

4.7k subscribers