Impactor Stats
3 Impact Videos
5.3k Total Followers
5.3k Subscribers
I'm a mom from Canada, raising two vegan children. I create quick & easy vegan meal ideas for your little ones!

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Lucy & Lentils @lucy-lentils

Welcome to my kitchen. I share plant based recipes that are easy, achievable and hopefully that will inspire you to get cooking at home.

378.2k subscribers
Vegflix @vegflix

Vegflix é o único canal do YouTube Brasil composto por um time renomado de diversos criadores de conteúdo da comunidade vegana. Com pelo menos 2 vídeos por semana, juntamos credibilidade, informação, reflexão e entretenimento para um público cada vez...

0 subscribers
Laura Fruit Fairy @laura-fruit-fairy

Willkommen 🤗 das hier ist ein Safe Space in dem ich über Themen wie Achtsamkeit, Hochsensibilität, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung & Gesundheit spreche. Ab und zu teile ich vegane Rezepte und Vlogs. Schön, dass du da bist. 🤎

320k subscribers
Bianca Taylor @bianca-taylor

Join my 12 week vegan body transformation program: Biancataylorfitness.com Get my fitness and vegan meal planner app: https://getstarted.biancataylorfitness.com Follow me on IG: https://www.instagram.com/biancataylorm https://www.instagram.com/bian...

75.5k subscribers