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Hello I’m Katherin,
Welcome to Plantrap a new cooking show on plantbased recipes with an exotic twist.
My goal is to create a youtube cooking show that is captivating, entertaining, dynamic and educational while putting my fears on body image to the side.
My personal journey in plant based recipes started a year ago when I committed to becoming a vegetarian. I've always been passionate about cooking and finding ways that I can create tasty recipes that also fall in line with people that have busy schedules. I completed countless research to find tasty vegan recipes that weren't overly complicated that I could also bring into my regular diet.
Committing to plant based foods meant finding a whole host of new recipes and challenging myself to cook brand-new dishes I had never attempted to make. Throughout the past year I've put together some of my favorite recipes and I decided to jump in with both feet to share them with the public on this YouTube channel. XOXO, Kat💋
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