Impactor Stats
22 Impact Videos
4.3M Total Followers
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Welcome to the PUL channel! Welcome foodies, minimalists, travellers and all beautiful souls. Get inspired or find a calm and relaxing space with the collection of videos that help to nourish the cells and the soul.

With love and gratitude, always,
❤ Sadia

NEW VIDEOS EVERY WEEK | nutrition • wellness • minimalism • travel
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Suggested Impactors
Loving It Vegan @loving-it-vegan

Good Vegan Food. Made Easy.

133.3k subscribers
Plantiful Kiki @plantiful-kiki

Hi my name is Kiki and used to be 70 lbs heavier, pre diabetic, hypothyroid, and lots more. After switching to a Plant Based diet that is high in carbs and low in fat, I lost the weight without counting calories and regained my health. I am the auth...

1.6M subscribers
Hannah Hagler @hannah-hagler

Hey there and welcome to my channel! I'm Hannah, crazy dog lady, lover of pickles and oat milk lattes. Here you will find all things fashion, beauty and lifestyle that are all vegan and cruelty-free! I aim to lead a life led by compassion, but I lov...

37.8k subscribers
Rich Roll @rich-roll

Thanks for stopping by! I used to be an unhealthy corporate lawyer. At 40 I decided to change my life. I switched to a 100% plant-based diet, lost 50 pounds and started exploring human potential across a spectrum mind/body/spirit disciplines: ultra-e...

36.6k subscribers