Impactor Stats
24 Impact Videos
1.9M Total Followers
1.4M Subscribers
Thanks for stopping by! I used to be an unhealthy corporate lawyer. At 40 I decided to change my life. I switched to a 100% plant-based diet, lost 50 pounds and started exploring human potential in the worlds of ultra-endurance, wellness, mindfulness and spirituality. Now 51, I travel the world sharing what I have learned in talks, books, and on my podcast. I'm also a dad to 4 kids & live in Malibu, California.

✩ WEBSITE - richroll.com
✩ PODCAST: Rich Roll Podcast - bit.ly/richrollpod
✩ MEMOIR: Finding Ultra - j.mp/findingultrabook
✩ MEAL PLANNER - meals.richroll.com
✩ COOKBOOK - The Plantpower Way - bit.ly/theplantpowerway
✩ PATREON - patreon.com/richroll

✩ Instagram - instagram.com/richroll
✩ Twitter - twitter.com/richroll
✩ Facebook - facebook.com/richrollfans

2630 Conejo Spectrum St.
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320
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Suggested Impactors
Selbst Verliebt @selbst-verliebt

Wenn du auf der Liebe zu dir SELBST bist und du dich glücklicher und wohler in deiner Haut fühlen möchtest bist du hier genau richtig. Lass uns zusammen an deiner Selbstliebe, Selbstakzeptanz, deinem Selbstbewusstsein und der Liebe zum Leben quatsche...

1.2k subscribers
Laura Fruit Fairy @laura-fruit-fairy

Willkommen 🤗 das hier ist ein Safe Space in dem ich über Themen wie Achtsamkeit, Hochsensibilität, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung & Gesundheit spreche. Ab und zu teile ich vegane Rezepte und Vlogs. Schön, dass du da bist. 🤎

337k subscribers
Veggie Doctor TV @veggie-doctor-tv

Hi, I'm Dr. Yami! 👋🏽 I’m a passionate promoter of healthy lifestyles and a champion of plant-based nutrition for the prevention of chronic disease. I aim to empower you to obtain the wellbeing you desire. pediatrician // podcaster // speaker // auth...

3.5M subscribers
NikkiVegan @nikkivegan

Hey guys! I'm Nicole, welcome to my channel! I make healthy vegan recipes, share easy meal ideas and grocery hauls, and post vlogs like What I Eat in a Day videos to show how easy, practical, and delicious it can be to eat more plants! My hope is tha...

3.3k subscribers
Yoga Girl @yoga-girl

Rachel Brathen is a world-renowned yoga instructor known for her inspirational teachings living with her family in Sweden. Step into our YouTube world for tutorials, full yoga sequences, and more!

232.4k subscribers