Jason Veganicus

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4 Impact Videos
471 Total Followers
471 Subscribers
Vegan/animal rights activist/metal music/ whatever else I feel like posting.
Instagram: jason_veganicus
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MARTIN TV GO VEGAN - AMOR Y MÁS @martin-tv-go-vegan-amor-y-mas

Hijo de Dios.Bienenid@! ;D Mi misión es enseñarte a que seas REALMENTE FELIZ por ti mism@ con practicas demostradas cientificamente, y que conozcas la verdad, aunque al principio te duela aceptarlo ;D Martin es el 1er Youtuber en el mundo en comparti...

4k subscribers
Mic the Vegan @mic-the-vegan

Mic the Vegan is a vegan science writer that covers a variety of topics from the health effects of a vegan diet and the environmental impact of eating animal products to the sociological phenomenon of casual animal exploitation. Based in the U.S., he...

15.8k subscribers
Aryenish Birdie @aryenish-birdie

At Encompass, we are making the farmed animal protection movement more effective by fostering racial diversity, equity, and inclusion so that everyone can bring 100 percent of their brilliance to work for animals.

3.2k subscribers
Lauren Toyota @lauren-toyota

Lauren is sharing her passion for living consciously, creatively, and in the moment. Through her vlogs, Lauren In Real Life, she’ll inspire you to create the life you desire and maybe eat vegan along the way. * What I Ate In A Day * Vegan Hauls * Tr...

0 subscribers
CosmicSkeptic @cosmicskeptic

Hi, I'm Alex O'Connor, host of the Within Reason Podcast. For the curious. New episodes every Sunday from the likes of Richard Dawkins, William Lane Craig, Bishop Robert Barron, Peter Singer, and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

558k subscribers