Impactor Stats
7 Impact Videos
31k Total Followers
31k Subscribers
Heal Thy Self is a show based on empowerment. Empowerment of you, the viewer such that you can be your highest self on every level. Through knowledge we will be giving you the information you need to make informed decisions. We lead you to water, you deep dive in.
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Suggested Impactors
Clareminded @clareminded

Ayurvedic videos to help you live more aligned with yourself. Hi everyone! Thank you for your time. I originally created this channel while studying Ayurveda at the California College of Ayurveda while living nomadically. I've since completed my st...

13.2k subscribers
EatMoveRest @eatmoverest

There are three things we all do every day, and we could all be doing them better: EatMoveRest!🥗🏃‍♀️💤 Eat more plants, move your body daily, and get adequate rest--it's as simple as that! Dusty & Erin Stanczyk combined their formal education in Comm...

4.8k subscribers
Julia Lenochkina @julia-lenochkina

🥇Одним из самых лучших решений в моей жизни я считаю переход на растительное питание в 2014-м году🥑🥦🍑 💪Благодаря этому питанию, (преимущественно сыроедному) я вылечила сама: - хронический гастрит с забросом желчи в желудок, - мастопатию, - моло...

1.8k subscribers
Forks Over Knives @forks-over-knives

The feature film Forks Over Knives examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting animal-based and processed foods.

38.5k subscribers
Million Dollar Vegan @million-dollar-vegan

Generation Vegan (aka. Million Dollar Vegan) is a non-profit dedicated to educating people about the environmental, ethical, personal, and public health benefits of adopting a plant-based lifestyle. ⚡UNITE ⚡DISRUPT ⚡TRANSFORM We provide free nutrit...

9k subscribers