Why Paul McCartney Started the "Meat Free Monday" Movement (Exclusive) | National Geographic

Nov 02, 2017

Global superstar Paul McCartney sits down with National Geographic Editor in Chief Susan Goldberg to discuss his campaign Meat Free Monday and how one our photos inspired him to write “Lady Madonna.”
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Experts say that different parts of the meat processing and consumption industry release greenhouse gases, which harm the planet by contributing to climate change. By eating less meat, people can reduce their carbon footprint and also minimize excessive water use.

But Paul McCartney’s campaign for people to reduce their meat consumption is a deeply personal one.

McCartney, a global icon and former Beatle who is often known more for his music than his activism, is a vegetarian himself and discussed his personal choices and passions in an interview with Susan Goldberg, editor-in-chief of National Geographic magazine.

In the interview, McCartney talks about his nonprofit campaign, “Meat Free Monday.” The campaign focuses on the negative ways that eating meat can harm the environment, and McCartney hopes to encourage people to help slow the progression of climate change by eating less meat.

In the interview, McCartney also told Goldberg about his inspiration for writing the Beatles' song "Lady Madonna"—a National Geographic photograph of a Malayo-Polynesian woman nursing a baby. The image, taken by photographer Howard Sochurek, was published in the January 1965 issue of the magazine.

To learn more, read the full article (news.nationalgeographic.com/20...) and visit MeatFreeMondays.com.

Why Paul McCartney Started the "Meat Free Monday" Movement (Exclusive) | National Geographic

National Geographic

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