Through her eyes | A poem for animal liberation

Feb 03, 2020

Have you taken the time to see the world through her eyes?

In this poem for animal liberation, activists from the Hyderabad Animal Save spoke out against the exploitation of animals. They chose to recite their poem "Through her eyes" with the hopes of helping people make the connection.

Get active today. Take a stand. Speak out. Do something.

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#Veganism #Animalrights #Vegan #Bearingwitness

The lyrics of the poem are here:

Once upon a time
In a not so distant land
She opened her eyes
And realized she cannot stand
Tied to the pole
All her life
Beaten, raped, and assaulted
Waiting for that God damn knife
She wasn’t my sister, best friend or my mother
She was a living being
With a heart, a brain and beat
Just like any other
The last thing that she saw
Was a knife held by a man
Oh let me tell you where it all began
It’s the very thing you are holding in your hand
Espresso, muffins and choco latte
It all comes from nothing but animal cruelty
The milk in your food
Was stolen from the calf
Mixed with artificial hormones
That you are drinking on their behalf
Slaughtered and hung upside down
They watch their friends being killed until the dawn
You buy the final product and you pay your hard earned money of course
The cow’s pain and sufferings are not important factors of the economy
They say,
“You can’t survive on plants”
“Meat gives you Protein”
Oh but the horrors in the slaughter houses, once witnessed cannot be unseen
Once upon a time
In this very land
There was a cow
Whose dead body was sold by this very brand
What now one must wonder?
I’ll tell you how to put an end to this mass murder
Research, learn, raise your voice and break the silence
That’s the only way to end this violence

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