Laws THAT Matter: The Land of Ahimsa

Sep 17, 2020

“Remain true to yourself, and move ever upward toward greater consciousness and greater love....find yourselves united with all those who, from every direction, have made the same ascent. For everything that rises must converge.” ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

This is Unity week! It is a week of Unity as the global UP Convergence peace conference continues. Carissa Kranz presented earlier this week on a "One World Vegan Standard: United We Stand." The presentation addressed how vegan law is aligned with higher universal spiritual laws.

Joining us today is Dolly Vyas-Ahuja. Dolly is an animal activist, public speaker, and the Producer of The Land of Ahimsa Documentary. Dolly is a force of the convergence needed as we become more compassionate, more loving, and more sustainable.

In honor of Unity Week, we are vibing the following BeVeg Certified Vegan brand of the week:

Unity Vibration Kombucha!

If you have a certified vegan product, make your claim official with the only ISO 17065 accredited vegan trademark in the world.

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