Go Vegan Or Die! - Amazon Rainforest Protest

Jan 15, 2019

The Climate Save Movement and it's partners DxE, AV, Extinction Rebellion, Nation Rising, New Wave Activism and Global Hustle organized a "Go Vegan or We Die" die-in outside the Brazilian consulate in Toronto on January 1, 2019 for the inauguration day for Jair Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro is planning to open up the Amazon rainforest --the lungs of the planet and home to indigenous peoples and millions of species -- to expanded animal agriculture, logging and mining. Activists invited Bolsonaro, his government and the public to sign up for Veganuary. If President Bolsonaro went vegan, he wouldn't consider cutting down the precious Amazon rainforest. Join us in our next global actions on February 14. We will ask Bolsonaro to have a heart and protect the lungs of the earth. Sign our petition at: bit.ly/2EyRKnA

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