CARE 2018 | Marek Voršilka: Yes, we can ban fur farms. Everywhere!

Feb 10, 2019

Fur farms have little public support and a big potential to cause an outcry. Yet only a few countries have actually banned them. As a result, tens of millions of minks, foxes and other animals still suffer and die for needless fashion accessories.

In this talk, I will argue that campaigning for a fur farm ban deserves more focus in the international movement than it currently has, and we should be more self-confident in pushing it through. I will describe common mistakes that cause anti-fur campaigns to fail. Consequently, I will identify key principles of a successful fur campaign and demonstrate it on our own campaign that led to a fur farm ban in the Czech Republic.

About the speaker:

Marek Vorsilka is a chairman of OBRAZ (Animal Defenders Czechia), which was founded in 2015 with a short-term goal of achieving a fur farm ban (succeeded in 2017) and a long-term goal of building a strong organisation that will be able to effectively stand up for animal protection in Czechia. Within OBRAZ, Marek has been mainly responsible for strategic campaign planning and lobbying. Prior to founding OBRAZ, he had taken part in several projects to raise general awareness of animal exploitation and promote veganism and meat/milk/egg reduction. Marek has studied law and is fluent in English and German.

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