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1 Impact Video
259k Total Followers
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The official YouTube channel of Youth Speaks, the nation's leading presenter of spoken word arts and education. Here you will find all videos related to the Brave New Voices Festival, the Off/Page Project, the Bigger Picture, Life is Living, and other films from Youth Speaks' local and national programming.

For all information related to Youth Speaks, please visit YouthSpeaks.org or follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @youthspeaks.
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Vevolution @vevolution

Vevolution is a global movement for positive change and plant-powered living. We hold the UK’s best known positive change festival Vevolution Festival and produce regular content to inspire people to create a better world.

0 subscribers
Intersectional Environmentalist @intersectional-environmentalist

IE is a community committed to dismantling systems of oppression by amplifying historically silenced voices in the environmental movement. Intersectional environmentalism is an inclusive version of environmentalism that advocates for both the prote...

14.9k subscribers
Amazing Vegan Outreach @amazing-vegan-outreach

Helping others align their actions with their values.

22.7k subscribers
TheCrisis Magazine @thecrisis-magazine

The CRISIS is the official publication of the NAACP. It is a quarterly journal of civil rights, history, politics, and culture and seeks to educate and challenge its readers about issues that continue to plague African Americans and other communities...

2.4k subscribers