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1 Impact Video
67.8k Total Followers
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web: tannyraw.com
Raw Reset: bit.ly/tannyrr
eBooks: bit.ly/tannybooks
Insta: @tannyraw

Hey, Hey! My name’s Tanny, but people call me TannyRaw.

19 years ago I switched from a Standard American Diet to whole-foods plant-based. 14 years ago, I transitioned into an entirely low fat raw vegan lifestyle and I haven’t looked back since.

Changing my food to strictly whole raw healthy living greens, plant fats, and fruits healed me from a host of auto-immune diseases and chronic gut and health issues.

Within less than a year, I lost 86 pounds and could finally move without experiencing pain. My skin cleared, I gained a head full of thick curly hair, and experienced a dramatic change in my eye color! Just a handful of the benefits I’ve enjoyed from a purely raw diet.

I’m sharing everything I know about low-fat raw vegan & the “Do different. Get Different” mindset because nothing feels as good as health does and I want this for you.
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