Impactor Stats
2 Impact Videos
2.2M Total Followers
2.2M Subscribers
why hello..... My name is Ellie Thumann & I am an 18 year old gal who loves to vlog about life, health, fitness, travel, and modeling!! I have a variety of videos on my channel so I hope you can find a couple that inspire you or brighten up your day!!

thanks for stopping by!!
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Suggested Impactors
yummypilgrim @yummypilgrim

Hello 👋 Hier dreht sich alles um die schönste Sache der Welt: Essen! Wenn ihr auch solche Foodies seid wie ich, dann abonniert am besten gleich meinen Kanal für viele neue Rezept-Ideen! Mal asiatisch, mal gut bürgerlich, cross-over aber immer schne...

9M subscribers
Anna's Analysis @annas-analysis

Video essays & commentary analyzing topics I find interesting... mainly talking about social media, influencers, and new age spirituality.

10k subscribers
Genevieve Mason @genevieve-mason

lifestyle, fitness, & development 🌷✨

71.9k subscribers
That Vegan Teacher @that-vegan-teacher

Fighting racism, homophobia and veganphobia, while trying to save the planet and the animals who live here.

0 subscribers