Arthurs Acres Animal Sanctuary

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1 Impact Video
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182k Subscribers
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The Dodo @the-dodo

The Dodo on YouTube is a place for everyone who loves animals and cares about their wellbeing. Our goal is to make caring about animals a viral cause. We want our fans to fall in love with animals, be entertained while they’re doing it, and feel empo...

1.3k subscribers
Daniella Monet @daniella-monet

I'm just a silly girl who lives in LA, plays various roles on TV, and eats her veggies.

12M subscribers
Charlie's Acres @charlies-acres

Charlie’s Acres is dedicated to the care of rescued farm animals. We serve as a sanctuary where our animals can live out their natural lives in peace, and as a venue for showing the general public that these intelligent beings deserve our compassion.

475k subscribers
Animal Save Movement @animal-save-movement

Animal Save Movement is comprised of three branches, Animal Save, Climate Save and Health Save. Animal Save Movement consists of groups around the world who bear witness to pigs, cows, chickens and other farmed animals en route to slaughter. Our go...

260k subscribers
Sanctuary One @sanctuary-one

Sanctuary One is a nonprofit care farm where people, animals, and the earth work together for mutual healing.

1.1M subscribers